Monday, September 17, 2007


Long_Mike and I went to Skiatook on Sunday, September 16, 2007. This trip was more towards getting his boat to running better by running some StarTron through the fuel system and to decide just how far his trailer needed to be in the water for him to load the boat the easiest way.

I did take 2 rods, and some tackle with us to fish a little while the StarTron was soaking into the gum and varnish in his carbs and fuel system. The last trip we went on, his boat would not idle at all. When we loaded his boat on Sunday, the boat was idleling just fine.

We did decide on the proper depth that his trailer needed to be at for him to load his boat the easiest using the bunk boards to control how far left and right the boat went onto the trailer.

We are going to go out again after the StarTron has soaked his carbs and fuel system to see if the motor doesn't run even better.

We discovered that his tach was off. I had told him that it sure didn't sound like the motor was running at 1100 rpm when the tach was showing 1100 rpm. Sure enough when I tapped on the tach the rpms went down. So, when we take the boat out again we will set the idle by sound unless he gets a new tach.

I believe there are a few things going on with his motor. I think that they floats and needles are gummed up and not pivoting correctly. I am hoping that this week the StarTron will dissolve a lot of this gum and varnish out of his floats and around his needles. Making it easier for the fuel to flow through his carbs. I am also thinking that the motor is trying to idle at around 500 rpms and not turning enough rpms for the engine to idle.

The next time we go out, I will reset his idle to where the boat will idle and him not have to bump the throttle to keep the motor idleing.

While at Skiatook, the water was pretty dirty. The visibility was about a foot or just a little more than a foot. This was my first time on Skiatook to actually fish so I was not prepared for the water to be that stained. I was thinking that Skiatook was a lot clearer lake than that. We did have quite a bit of rain that might have muddied up the water.

While on Skiatook I noticed just how high the drift wood was. Skiatook had been way above normal pool from all the rain that we had this year.

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